Community Trees

Thinking about making a New Years Resolution? Why not consider planting some tress in 2017? The Woodland Trust offers tree planting schemes to help communities plant trees on publicly accessible land.

Organisations are able to apply for funding from the Woodland Trust who will then supply the trees free of charge. If the land is not accessible to the wider public there is some leeway, the Trust just need to confirm that the planting will be of genuine benefit to the participants.

The spectrum of groups to whom trees can be provided is enormous and includes the following and many more:

•              Charities & Trusts

•              Stroke Recovery groups, residential care homes, hospices, groups mitigating effects of retirement and unemployment

•              Schools, Scouts, Guides and other youth groups

•              ‘Friends of’ parks and open spaces

•              RSPB, National Trust, Rivers and Canal Trusts, numerous regional Wildlife Trusts

•              Women’s Institutes

•              Faith groups from many denominations

•              Rotary & Lions Clubs

•             The Prison and Probation Service

•              Local Councils and Community Support Groups

•              Residents Associations

•              Beekeepers, angling clubs

•              Football, rugby and cricket clubs

•              Community gardens, allotments and ‘In Bloom’ groups


The Trust offer 2 small packs and 6 types of medium and large packs which meet the needs of most groups. These packs are outlined in the leaflet which you can view via the following link:…

Deliveries are made each November and March, so groups can benefit by 840 trees each growing season.

For more information on the scheme, and to make an application, please visit the Woodland Trust’s website: